
ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (AWEN)

Delegates of the 10th ASEAN-WEN and 11th AEG-CITES (Photo source: Borneo Bulletin)

Launched in 2005, the ASEAN-WEN is a collaboration among the ten (10) ASEAN member nations to facilitate inter-agency and cross-border collaboration in the fight against wildlife trafficking in Southeast Asia. The ASEAN-WEN operates through a Secretariat called the Program Coordination Unit (PCU) based in Bangkok which helps coordinate trainings, workshops, organizes annual meetings, facilitates communication and builds high level support. The ASEAN-WEN participants include national focal points, environmental law enforcers, and customs agencies of the Southeast Asian countries.
Focal Office:
Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
Date Launched:
December 1, 2005
Focal Persons:
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 203 & 204, (632) 924 0109

Permanent Focal Point

       Division Chief, Wildlife Resources Division
       DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
       Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 222, (632) 925 8952-53

 Alternate Focal Point
       In-charge, Wildlife Regulation Section, Wildlife Resources Division
       DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
       Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 222, (632) 925 8952-53
Status / Updates:
Asia’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking (ARREST), a program funded by the USAID until 2016, aims to reduce wildlife trafficking by: a) reducing consumer demand for endangered species in key markets in Asia; b) strengthening law enforcement capacity to reduce poaching and trafficking of endangered species across Asia; c) and strengthening and sustaining regional learning networks and partnerships to continue and sustain gains after the program.
Latest Activities:
10th Meeting of the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN), 5-8 May 2015, Brunei Darussalam
Sources / Relevant Links:
ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network
Supporting Activities (Title of Project):
1)  Establishment of Wildlife Forensics laboratory in collaboration with the UP Diliman Institute of Biological Sciences;
2) Continuing capacity building on wildlife law enforcement, e.g., wildlife crime investigation, joint border patrol, wildlife identification, handling and rehabilitation;
3) Continuing mobilization of the Philippine Operations Group on Ivory and Illegal Wildlife Trade.
This Page was updated on Thursday, 10 December 2015 01:50