APEC Chemical Dialogue

The Chemical Dialogue (CD) serves as a forum for regulatory officials and industry representatives to find solutions to challenges facing the chemical industry and users of chemicals in Asia-Pacific. It reflects APEC members' recognition of the importance of engaging with the private sector and building public-private sector dialogue and cooperation for mutual benefit. In 2008, APEC Ministers endorsed the report of the CD's Virtual Working Group on GHS implementation issues entitled "Developing Clarity and Consistency in the Implementation of the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals" as an APEC contribution to the UN's Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).
- Focal Office:
- EMB Chemical Management Section
- Date Launched:
- Focal Persons:
- High Level Representative
Assistant Secretary and Concurrent Director
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 928 3725 / 927 1517
National Focal Point
OIC - Chief, Chemical Management Section
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau
Tel Nos. - (632) 928 8892 / 928 1212 - Commitments:
- Among the overarching strategic objectives agreed upon, the Chemical Dialogue has agreed to the following for the APEC Chemical Strategic Framework:
1) To facilitate alignment of the Leaders’ goals for sustainable economic growth and regulation.
2) To promote regulatory capacity and convergence to facilitate trade while enhancing environmental and health protection.
3) To enhance chemical management and product stewardship over the life cycle and in cooperation with other initiatives and institutions where appropriate, e.g., the OECD, UN, SAICM, WHO.
4) To identify barriers to utilizing chemicals, products and processes to achieve sustainable and innovative solutions to global problems. - Status / Updates:
- At the August 25, 2015 Forum, recent updates on regulatory activities on chemical management were presented and discussed by Ms. Emmanuelita Mendoza, officer-in-charge of EMB Chemical Management Section. It covered the major programs on policy, new chemicals, online permitting system, training and monitoring including initiatives from partners such as the Samahan sa Pilipinas ng Industriyang Kimika, civil society through Ecowaste Coalition, Philippine Association of Paints Manufacturers, and other government agencies (e.g., DOH and DTI). The approval of the proposal made by the EMB on the elimination of lead-based paints in architectural, decorative and household sectors to be implemented in 2017-2018, as stated in Section 4 of DENR Administrative Order No. 2013-24 (Chemical Control Order for Lead and Lead Compounds), was also presented.
- Latest Activities:
- Chemical Dialogue (CD) Regulators’ Forum-Meeting, 25 August 2015, Cebu City, Philippines. (Attended by Ms. Emmanuelita Mendoza)
- Sources / Relevant Links:
- http://www.apec.org/Home/Groups/Committee-on-Trade-and-Investment/Chemical-Dialogue
This Page was updated on Thursday, 14 January 2016 19:59