MOU on the conservation of Migratory Sharks

The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks is the first global instrument for the conservation of migratory species of sharks listed on Appendix I or II of the Bonn Convention. The legally non-binding international instrument aims to achieve and maintain a favorable conservation status for migratory sharks based on the best available scientific information, taking into account the socio-economic value of these species for concerned areas.
- Focal Office:
- Biodiversity Management Bureau
- Date Ratified:
- February 12, 2010
- Commitments:
- The Conservation Plan under the MOU aims to enhance conservation of migratory sharks. In particular, its objectives include:
1. Strengthening the political will to implement migratory shark conservation measures
2. Bridging migratory shark fisheries and conservation
3. Contributing to the implementation of the Food and Agricultural Office's International Plan of Action (IPOA) for sharks
Species covered by this Memorandum of Understanding and their ranges include the following:
Rhincodontidae Rhncodon typus
Cetorhinidae Cetorhinus maximus
Lamnidae Carcharodon carcharias
Isurus oxyrinchus
Isurus paucus
Lamna nasus
Squalidae Squalus acanthias (Northern Hemisphere populations)
This Page was updated on Monday, 04 January 2016 11:50