EANET - Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia
Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) started in 1998 as an intergovernmental initiative to provide a common understanding on the state of acid deposition problems in East Asia, to provide useful inputs for decision making at various level with the aim of preventing or reducing the adverse impacts on the environment, and promote cooperation among participating countries (PC). At present, thirteen (13) countries participate in EANET (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam).
The following are the objectives of the EANET:
1. Create a common understanding of the state of the acid deposition problems in East Asia
2. Provide useful inputs for decsiion-making at local, national and regional levels aimed at preventing or reducing adverse impacts on the environment caused by acid deposition; and
3. Contribute cooperation on the issues related to acid deposition among participating countries.
The following are the objectives of the EANET:
1. Create a common understanding of the state of the acid deposition problems in East Asia
2. Provide useful inputs for decsiion-making at local, national and regional levels aimed at preventing or reducing adverse impacts on the environment caused by acid deposition; and
3. Contribute cooperation on the issues related to acid deposition among participating countries.
- Focal Office:
- Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)
- Date Ratified:
- Date launched: 1998
- Focal Persons:
- National Focal Point
Assistant Secretary and Concurrent Director
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 928 3725 / 927 1517
Scientific Advisory Committee member
Chief, Air Quality Management Section
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau
Tel No. - (632) 928 4430
Professor, UP Los Baños
QA/QC Manager
Board Secretary,Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB)
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau
Tel. No. - (632) 928 1221
Senior SRS, Research and Development Division
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 426 4332 to 39 - Status / Updates:
- Activities under the EANET are all voluntary in nature. The Philippines, through EMB participates in regular EANET activities such as:
1. Inter-Laboratory Comparison Projects
2. Submission of annual monitoring data to Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP), the network center of EANET
3. Preparation of National Periodic Assessment Report
4. Attendance to various EANET meetings
5. Technical missions by ACAP
6. Public Awareness Workshop
The EMB is currently holding the following monitoring activities:
1. Wet and Dry Deposition (WD) in Sto. Tomas, Benguet; Los Baños, Laguna and Metro Manila
2. Inland Aquatic Environment (IAE) in San Pablo, Laguna and Ambulalakao Lake, Benguet,
3. Soil and Vegetation (S&V) in Makiling Forest Reserve and UP Quezon-Laguna Land Grant in Laguna, including Remote S&V monitoring in Itogon, Benguet every 3 years - Sources / Relevant Links:
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