Agreement Between the Governments of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Republic of Korea on Forest Cooperation
The agreement serves as a platform to foster cooperation in forestry and dialogue towards the establishment of Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) which aims to facilitate forest cooperation and undertake projects to rehabilitate degraded forest land and prevent deforestation.
- Date and Place Signed:
- November 18, 2011 - Bali
- Selected Commitments:
- Forest ministers shall endeavor to: Promote knowledge and expertise sharing of ROK with the ASEAN Member States on low carbon, green growth technology and promoting activities related to addressing the impact of Climate Change; Take a collaborative approach for timely and effective implementation of the AFoCo Agreement, including the establishment of AFoCO; Support management capacity and training among the ASEAN Member States and ROK, specifically in the area of forest fire management through implementation of a project.
- Status / Updates:
- Agreement is in force 2 years from date of entry into force (30 days after signing) and has been extended until 2016.
- Sources / Relevant Links:
- http://www.asean.org/images/2012/Economic/AMAF/Agreements/Agreement%20between%20the%20governments%20of%20the%20member%20statas%20of%20the%20asean%20and%20the%20republic%20of%20korea.pdf
- Other_information:
- http://nr.iisd.org/news/asean-korea-forestry-meeting-adopts-seoul-declaration/
This Page was updated on Thursday, 10 December 2015 01:18