
Singapore Resolution on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change (11th AMME, 2009)

Ministers of ASEAN Member States responsible for the environment, make resolutions on the topics of Regional Environmental Protection and Management, Biodiversity and Natural Resources Conservation, Climate Change.
Date and Place Signed:
October 29, 2009 - Singapore
Selected Commitments:
Among others, resolutions were made to: Fulfill the purposes of the ASEAN Charter and implement the strategies and actions of the ASCC Blueprint, with the aim of enhancing environmental sustainability in the region and the common goal towards a clean and green ASEAN; Support the biodiversity conservation and management initiatives and programmes under the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB); Commit to engage constructively in the negotiating process under UNFCCC to ensure an agreed and fair outcome in Copenhagen on the basis of the ASEAN Leaders Joint Statement to COP-15 and CMP-5; Focus on efforts to foster greater cooperation in responding to climate change in ASEAN, such as the formation of the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change, as well as plans to develop an ASEAN Climate Change Initiative and studies to assess the impacts of climate change on our region.
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