ASEAN Experts Group on International Forest Policy Processes (AEG-IFPP)

The ASEAN Experts Group on International Forest Policy Processes (AEG-IFPP) is one of the subsidiary bodies under the ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry (ASOF) that undertakes policy coordination and regional cooperation towards the implementation of the international forest regime. This Experts Group also takes on the development of joint positions of ASEAN Member States (AMS) with regard to implementation of international forest-related policy processes, taking into account the different levels of socio-economic development of AMS and common key themes with regard to sustainable forest management, forest law enforcement and governance (FLEG), and REDD.
The Group meets annually.
The Group meets annually.
- Focal Office:
- Forest Management Bureau (FMB)
- Date Launched:
- Focal Persons:
DENR - Forest Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 928 9313 / 927 4788
Chief, Forest Policy, Planning, and Knowledge Management Division
DENR - Forest Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 927 6217 - Status / Updates:
- The 11th Meeting highlighted the update and sharing and application of online and offline Monitoring Assessment and Reporting (MAR) system and future activities, update on the implementation of Intergovernmental Panel on Forest (IPF) and International Forum on Forests (IFF) proposals for action among ASEAN Member States and update on the SPA of ASEAN cooperation in forestry 2011-2015. The meeting recommended the conduct of capacity building activities on MAR online system for sustainable forest management (SFM) at the national level.
- Latest Activities:
- 11th Meeting
July 29-30, 2015
Bandar Seri, Begawan,
Brunei Darussalam
(Attended by For. Edna D. Nuestro) - Sources / Relevant Links:
This Page was updated on Thursday, 14 January 2016 08:41