ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (AWGNCB)
The AWGNCB was established to intensify cooperation in addressing problems associated with conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, while promoting a clean and green environment. It serves as a consultative platform to undertake concrete actions in ensuring that the region's rich biological diversity is protected, conserved and sustainably managed. The AWGNCB shall also monitor and develop a common ASEAN stand where applicable on international and regional conventions and agreements related to nature conservation and biodiversity.
- Focal Office:
- Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
- Date Launched:
- Focal Persons:
- Permanent Focal Point
Chief, National Parks Division
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 232, (632) 925 8947
Alternate Focal Point
In-Charge, Program Planning and Policy Monitoring Section, BPKMD
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
Tel. Nos. - (632)924 6031 to 35 local 212, (632)920 4486 - Commitments:
- To achieve by 2010, a significant reduction in the current rate of loss of biodiversity, as pledged by countries at the WSSD in 2002 and as envisaged by the Convention on Biological Diversity.
- Status / Updates:
- In the 25th Meeting it was agreed not to pursue further the signing and ratification of the "Draft ASEAN Framework Agreement on Access to, and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from the Ulitilisation of Biological and Genetic Resources."
- Latest Activities:
- 25th Meeting of the AWGNCB was held on 8-9 June 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. (Attended by Ms. Norma M. Molinyawe, OIC, National Parks Division, BMB, and Ms. Sarah Jane C. Tagtag, Info System Analyst, BPKMD)
24th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (AWGNCB), 6-9 May 2014, Singapore (Attended by Ms. Norma M. Molinyawe, OIC, National Parks Division, BMB, and Ms. Nancy R. Corpuz, Chief, Program Planning and Monitoring Section, BPKMD, BMB) - Sources / Relevant Links:
This Page was updated on Thursday, 10 December 2015 01:50