ASEAN Working Group on a Pan-ASEAN Timber Certification Initiative (AWG-PATCI)

The AWG-PATCI was created in 2002 as an ad hoc working group under ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry (ASOF) to explore concrete measures for regional cooperation in timber certification between ASEAN Member States. The main objective of the working group is to support ASOF and ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) in decision making and implementation process by providing specific policy oriented and focused research and policy analysis including capacity building activities relevant to legality and sustainability, and trade in legal timber products.
It was elevated into a permanent working group within the ASEAN Framework in 2008. This is in line with the broader vision of ASEAN to realize the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint for trade in legal and sustainable timber by the year 2015.
Since its inaugural meeting in 2002, the Working Group has made much progress with the formulation and adoption of a number of key documents that include the following:
1. The ASEAN Guideline on Phased Approach to Forest Certification;
2. The six elements for the definition of legality of timber;
3. The ASEAN Criteria and Indicators for Legality of Timber; and
4. The ASEAN CoC Guidelines for Legal Timber and Sustainable Timber.
The Group meets annually.
It was elevated into a permanent working group within the ASEAN Framework in 2008. This is in line with the broader vision of ASEAN to realize the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint for trade in legal and sustainable timber by the year 2015.
Since its inaugural meeting in 2002, the Working Group has made much progress with the formulation and adoption of a number of key documents that include the following:
1. The ASEAN Guideline on Phased Approach to Forest Certification;
2. The six elements for the definition of legality of timber;
3. The ASEAN Criteria and Indicators for Legality of Timber; and
4. The ASEAN CoC Guidelines for Legal Timber and Sustainable Timber.
The Group meets annually.
- Focal Office:
- Forest Management Bureau (FMB)
- Date Launched:
- Date established :2002
- Focal Persons:
- ASOF Leader
DENR - Forest Management Bureau (FMB)
Tel. Nos. - (63 2) 928 9313, (63 2) 927 4788
Alternate Focal
Chief, Forest Policy Section, FPPKMD
DENR - Forest Management Bureau (FMB)
Tel. Nos. - (63 2) 926 2141 - Status / Updates:
- The 14th meeting discussed the draft report on “Stock Taking Study on Existing Initiatives for Ensuring Legal and Sustainable Timber in ASEAN.” The recommendation was to finalize the study and prepare a comprehensive analysis providing short and long-term recommendations based on additional data/information to be submitted by AMSs. o The outcome of the Sub-Regional Training Workshop on Timber Legality Assurance was reported wherein sharing of practical experiences and interaction amongst different stakeholders happened. Specific topics were on measures to ensure credibility for Timber Legality Assurance Systems, civil society engagement, market impacts, legality of imported timber and specific questions about VPA systems under development in the different countries. o RAFT-TNC (Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade -The Nature Conservancy) and EU-FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) Facility presented potential areas for collaboration relative to timber legality, sustainable forest management (SFM), FLEG related issues, trade promotion, harmonization of standards, capacity building, etc.
- Latest Activities:
- 14th Meeting of AWG-PATCI, 3-4 June 2015, Philippines (Attended by Dir. Ricardo L. Calderon and Philippine Delegation)
Next Schedule of Meeting:
15th Meeting of AWG-PATCI
June 2016
Thailand - Sources / Relevant Links:
This Page was updated on Thursday, 10 December 2015 01:50