ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC)

The AWGCC was established in 2009 to oversee the implementation of the relevant action lines in the ASCC Blueprint. The Action Plan on Joint Response to Climate Change was also developed in 2012 to provide a more detailed reference in implementing the Blueprint. The AWGCC will serve as the implementing body under the framework of ASEAN Climate Change Initiative (ACCI) for the implementation of the Action Plan. The ACCI will function as a consultative forum to promote coordination and collaboration among various ASEAN sectoral bodies dealing with sectors impacted by climate change such as energy, forestry, agriculture, disaster management etc to ensure a well coordinated and integrated approach to address climate change.
- Focal Office:
- Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)
- Date Launched:
- Focal Persons:
- Focal Point
Division Chief, Climate Change Division
DENR - Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)
Tel. Nos. - (632) 920 2251 - Commitments:
- In the 24th ASEAN Summit in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 11th May 2014, ASEAN member states committed themselves to pursuing a successful COP20 as a crucial step towards elaborating a 2015 agreement at COP21 for the post-2020 period.
- Status / Updates:
- ASEAN Action Plan on Joint Response to Climate Change was developed in 2012 to provide a more detailed reference in implementing the Blueprint. A US$15 million regional project titled "Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in Southeast Asia," was implemented from 2009 to 2014 to undertake measures to prevent peatland fires, the major source of smoke haze in the region.
- Latest Activities:
- 12 - 13 May 2015 6th Meeting of ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC) Vientiane, Lao PDR (Attended by Mr. Albert Magalang)
1 - 3 July 2015 Regional Forum on Climate Change Bangkok, Thailand (Attended by Ms. Carmelita M. Passe) - Sources / Relevant Links:
This Page was updated on Thursday, 10 December 2015 01:50