MOU between the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of the Philippines and the Korea Forest Service of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in the Field of Forestry
The Korea Forest Service has the overall responsibility for the establishment and implementation of forest policies and laws.
This Memorandum of Understanding between Korea Forest Service and the Department of Energy and Natural Resources concretize the parties recognition of the benefits derived from closer cooperation in the field of forestry.
This Memorandum of Understanding between Korea Forest Service and the Department of Energy and Natural Resources concretize the parties recognition of the benefits derived from closer cooperation in the field of forestry.
- Focal Office:
- Forest Management Bureau (FMB)
- Country:
- Korea
- Date of Validity:
- 2012 - 2017
- Partner Government Agency:
- Korea Forest Service
- Scope of Cooperation:
- This cooperation include the following areas: (i) Management, conservation and development of forest resources and watersheds in pursuit of sustainable forest management, (ii) Forest protection, law enforcement, governance and trade, (iii) Management and control of forest fire, landslides and prevention of pest and diseases, soil and water conservation, (iv) Plantation development, rehabilitation and restoration of deforested and degraded forest ecosystems, (v) Utilization and processing of forest products and wastes, (vi) Promotion, marketing and trade of forest products and services, (vii) Climate change mitigation and adaption measures in the forestry sector including afforestation/reforestation clean development mechanism (A/R CDM) and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), etc., (viii) Cooperation on international issue in the forest sector, (ix) Research and development, technology transfer, education and training, capacity building, and (x) Other areas of forestry mutually determined by both sides.
- Latest Activity:
- Project Development Stage:
2015 - Pre-site evaluation
2015 - (October) Meeting at Korea RE: Change of Project Site from Bataan to Negros Oriental
Activity/ies for 2016
2016 - Site visit for assessment of KFS area if it is feasible for establishment of clonal nursery and demonstration forest
This Page was updated on Thursday, 17 December 2015 21:13