Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) ensures that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.
CITES provides control for the international trade (importation, exportation) of specimens of selected species through a licensing system for importation/exportation. These species are categorized according to the degree of protection needed:
1. Appendix I include species threatened with extinction.
2. Appendix II include species which may not be threatened with extinction but will require control in trade to avoid affecting their survival rate.
3. Appendix III include species protected in at least one party requesting other parties for assistance in trade control.
CITES provides control for the international trade (importation, exportation) of specimens of selected species through a licensing system for importation/exportation. These species are categorized according to the degree of protection needed:
1. Appendix I include species threatened with extinction.
2. Appendix II include species which may not be threatened with extinction but will require control in trade to avoid affecting their survival rate.
3. Appendix III include species protected in at least one party requesting other parties for assistance in trade control.
- Focal Office:
- Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
- Date Ratified:
- August 18, 1981
- Focal Persons:
- Management Authorities
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 203 & 204, (632) 924 0109
Division Chief, Wildlife Resources Division
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 222, (632) 925 8952-53
Scientific Authorities for terrestrial species
College, Laguna 4031
Tel Nos. - (63-49) 536 2269 / 536 2229 - Commitments:
- As a party to the convention, the Philippines is required to submit an annual report on CITES trade and a biennial report on legislative, regulatory, and administrative measures taken to enforce the Convention.
To further comply with the requirements of CITES, The Philippines through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Biodiversity Management Bureau (DENR-BMB) also issues permits authorizing an individual to import wildlife listed under CITES, including by-products or derivatives. - Status / Updates:
- Supporting activities for CITES include:
1. Submission of flora and fauna species for inclusion to CITES appendices
2. Development of the CITES Electronic Permitting and Management Information System (on track);
3. Establishment of Wildlife Forensics laboratory in collaboration with the UP-Diliman, Institute of Biological Sciences; and
4. Continuing capacity building on wildlife law enforcement (e.g. Wildlife crime investigation, Joint Border Patrol, Wildlife Identification, Handling and continuing mobilization of the Philippine Operations Group on Ivory (POGI) and Illegal Wildlife Trade Rehabilitation)
Future Meeting: Seventeenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties: 24 September - 5 October, 2016, Johannesburg, South Africa - Latest Activities:
- London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade [February 12-13, 2014; London, UK] - Attended by Undersecretary Adobo (AIS)
- 65th CITES Standing Committee Meeting [July 7-11, 2014; Geneva, Switzerland] - Attended by Undersecretary Adobo (AIS)
- Conference of the Parties to CITES (COP16) [March 3-14, 2013 Bangkok, Thailand] - Attended by Undersecretary Adobo (AIS) and Ms. P. Lapitan (ERDB)
- Policy Issuances:
- Administrative Order No. 2011-10
- Sources / Relevant Links:
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