Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI)

The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) is a multilateral partnership of six countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste also known as the "CT6") formed in 2007 to address the urgent threats facing the coastal and marine resources of one of the most biologically diverse and ecologically rich regions on earth.
- Focal Office:
- Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
- Date Ratified:
- Formally launched May 15, 2009
- Focal Persons:
Undersecretary for Policy and Planning & Foreign Assisted Programs
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Tel. Nos. - (632) 926-2567 / 9281205
Philippine CTI National Coordinating Committee
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 203 & 204, (632) 924 0109 - Commitments:
- CTI National Plan of Action is aligned with the Regional Plan of Action (RPoA) which has five goals:
1) Designated and effective management of Priority Seascapes
2) Full application of Ecosystem Approach to Management of Fisheries (EAFM) and other marine resources
3) Establishment and effective management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
4) Achievement of Climate change adaptation measures
5) Improvement in threatened species status
More detailed information may be found in the links below. - Status / Updates:
- 1) Submitted State of the Philippine Coral Triangle Report (published by ADB, May 2014)
2) Working Groups
2.a. Financial Resources
2.b. Coordination Mechanism
2.c. Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (TWG)
2.d. Marine Protected Area (TWG) - Latest Activities:
- Pacific Mini Regional Exchange, 29 September 2015 - 1 October 2015, Brisbane, Australia
10th CTI-CFF Senior Officials Meeting; 5-7 November 2014, Dili, Timor-Leste
5th CTI-CFF Ministerial Meeting, 15 May 2014, Manado, Indonesia
3rd Local Government Network Forum (with Women Leaders Roundtable at the LGN Forum), 25-27 March 2015, Mine Bay, Papua New Guinea [Attended by LGUs. National CTI Coordinating Committee (NCCC)]
CTI Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) for Leaders Workshop, April 2015/TBD, (Attended by NCCC(BFAR))
CTI EAFM Working Group (WG) Meeting, 6 May 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia (Attended by NCCC-BFAR) - Websites External Links:
- www.coraltriangleinitiative.org
http://www.adb.org/publications/state-coral-triangle-philippines - Policy Issuances:
- Executive Order No. 797, s. 2009 Adopting the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) national plan of action
DENR Administrative Order No. 2013-12 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Sustainable Coral Reef Ecosystems Management Program (SCREMP)
This Page was updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2015 17:54