Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Eco-region (SSME)

Writeshop for the harmonization of the SSME project work plan, 2015 (Photo source: DENR)

DENR and GIZ sign MOU for SSME-CAP project in Quezon City on December 10, 2014 (Photo source: DENR)
A priority seascape of the Coral Triangle Initiative, the Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Eco-region addresses concerns related to the sustainable development of coastal and marine resources and food security in six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste.
- Focal Office:
- Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
- Date Ratified:
- February 13, 2004 - Tri-national MOU on ECP implementation signed. Approved May 2009 in the Philippine Senate
- Focal Persons:
- Chair of subcommittee:
DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau
Tel. Nos. - (632) 924 6031 to 35 local 203 & 204, (632) 924 0109 - Commitments:
- The Philippines, led by the DENR, is a member of the Tri-National Committee and the permanent chair of the sub-committee on Marine Protected Areas and Networks. The Tri-National Committee guides the implementation of SSME comprehensive action plans of the thematic subcommittees, namely: Charismatic, Migratory and Threatened Species; and Marine Protected Areas and Networks.
- Status / Updates:
- Philippine achievements:
a) Threatened species
- Development and on-going propagation of the sea turtle database to house sea turtle tagging records from 1979 up to present
- Satellite tracking, aerial surveys of sea turtles to show connectivity and migration pattern of sea turtles in the SSME region in cooperation with Marine Research Foundation, Inc and GIZ-SSME Project
- Developed Marine and Aquatic Wildlife Rescue and Response Manual Series on Dugongs and Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles, and Sharks and Rays in partnership with Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines under the GIZ ACCCoast Project.
b) Marine Protected Areas
- Exploring the prospect of establishing a network of protected areas to safeguard sea turtles
- Conduct management effectiveness assessment of MPAs using MEAT/METT in selected locally managed MPAs and NIPAS sites. - Latest Activities:
- 1st Sulu Sulawesi Sea (SSS) Conference 2015, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah; 18 November 2015
SSME-Tri National Committee, Sub-Committee on Sustainable Fisheries, February 2015 [Attended by National CTI Coordinating Committee (NCCC)]
The 6th RPOA IUU - Sub Regional Meeting on Southern and Eastern South China Sea and Sulu Sulawesi Seas, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 22-23 April 2015 - Websites External Links:
- http://www.adb.org/publications/comprehensive-action-plans-sulu-sulawesi-marine-ecoregion-priority-seascape-coral
https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/18229.html - Policy Issuances:
- Proclamation No. 1028, 28 June 1997, Declaring the Entire Sulu and Celebes Seas as an Integrated Conservation and Development Zone, Creating a Presidential Commission for the Integrated Conservation and Development of the Area and Providing Funds Therefor
Executive Order No. 578 - Establishing the National Policy on Biological Diversity, Prescribing its Implementation Throughout the Country, Particularly in the Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecosystem and the Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor
This Page was updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2015 17:53